Mobilizing Your Website with Google Sites

“According to data from Google and the market research company Ipsos, almost a third of all mobile phones are now smartphones (including many using Google’s Android operating system), and 89 percent of smartphone owners say they use them throughout the day. Also, eMarketer predicts that marketers will spend $4.4 billion on mobile advertising by 2015, compared with $1.2 billion projected for this year.”  It is clear that more consumers are looking to their smartphones to stay connected and this is an obvious opportunity for businesses. Ebay, for example, averages one sale every second through its mobile site. Despite the overwhelming demand and opportunity in mobile advertising, 70% of companies have yet to create a mobile friendly site. “There is ‘enormous growth, explosive growth’ the use of mobile devices, said Jason Spero, head of mobile ads for the Americas at Google, but ‘businesses aren’t ready’ for those changes because too many are still offering consumers ‘desktop Web sites for mobile.'”

Google is making it easier for companies to create a mobile website with Google sites to engage with customers on the go and the best part is it’s FREE. You do not have to be versed in coding to create a mobile optimized site with Google. Google offers several templates and incorporates the suite of Google products to enhance your page. Want to include a map? Add a Google Map. Want customers to be able to call you on the go? Add click-to-call button. Want to collect emails for your newsletter? Add a Google form for lead generation. Companies can also include their social media links to YouTube, Facebook and Twitter for further engagement. With the Google Checkout feature, companies can increase sales revenue through mobile phones. It is a win-win situation – companies can reach the growing number of mobile consumers at no additional costs and Google can promote its suite of products. Google analytics can be added to measure the results of the companies mobile marketing efforts.

It is simple, quick and FREE so companies have no excuse but to go mobile!

About collaborativemedia

Greetings! This blog is dedicated to all things related to New & Emerging Media. I am currently studying Integrated Marketing Communications at West Virginia University and I will be blogging weekly about the topic. Stay tuned...

Posted on December 6, 2011, in Intro to Emerging Media. Bookmark the permalink. 2 Comments.

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