Mobile Marketing of Presidential Proportion

The facts about mobile marketing:

  • According to a Nielsen study, approximately 30% of US mobile users have a smartphone in 2010.
  • Smartphones will grow by about one third to 43% of mobile users by 2015 according to eMarketer.
  • In 2010 & 2011, marketers have used or are planning to use a variety of mobile marketing techniques in 2010 and 2011 however less than half of them have a mobile website according to Forrester Research via eMarketer. (See my blog about Mobile Websites)
  • Be aware – your competition is closer than you think! 46% of shoppers checked competitors’ website using a mobile device while in bricks and mortar stores, ForeSee found.
  • 95 % of text messages are read and most within 4-5 minutes after receiving the message.
  • Response rates: SMS (15%-30%); Email (5%); Direct mail (2.61%)

Research clearly demonstrates the need for marketers to carefully consider its mobile marketing strategy going forward. Mobile marketing is both cost effective and an efficient way to reach consumers. In one of the most effective mobile marketing campaigns to date, President Barack Obama rallied young voters  to win in a historic election. Here is what we, as marketers, can learn from the Obama campaign:

Obama’s campaign strategy team used a combination of mobile marketing strategies to reach young voters including SMS text messaging, mobile Web site, interactive voice response, mobile video and mobile banner ads. The team understood that this was a powerful medium to reach young voters because most young people have their phones on them 24/7 and because of the immediacy of the messaging that they have come to expect. They used mobile to rally voters to attend rallies, to announce Joe Biden as the Vice Presidential candidate (before announcing to the press), and to thank voters when President Obama won the election. One of the key factors to the mobile message was that it was simple and personal. “Mobile marketers should keep their messages succinct and simple and include a specific call to action”, said Jason Spero, vice president of marketing for the mobile ad network AdMob. President Obama’s thank you message was sent just minutes after winning the election and read: “”We just made history. All of this happened because you gave your time, talent and passion to this campaign. All of this happened because of you. Barack.” The supporters felt connected to Barack Obama in a way that neither television nor print advertising can accomplish as effectively.

Mobile marketing is a great tool to reach many customers because of the immediacy and direct access to the consumer, however SMS mobile messaging is not appropriate for all campaigns and should be used sparingly and with the appropriate message. Product Marketing Manager for the ExactTarget firm, R.J. Talyor, warns, “The cellphone is the last area that a person feels is still private. The people who have your cellphone number are typically your friends and family, so people are wary to give out numbers to people they know will market to them.”  Mr. Talyor uses the Obama campaign strategy to reinforce the idea of using text messaging for marketing only when the message is “urgent and portable.”  “The Obama campaign has identified a message that is urgent and needs to reach subscribers wherever they are.” Lastly, consumers ability to both opt-in and opt-out of messages at anytime. Spam will only serve to annoy customers and drive them to your competition.

Whether you are a fan of President Obama or not, one would have to agree that his marketing strategy was a winning one!

About collaborativemedia

Greetings! This blog is dedicated to all things related to New & Emerging Media. I am currently studying Integrated Marketing Communications at West Virginia University and I will be blogging weekly about the topic. Stay tuned...

Posted on November 28, 2011, in Intro to Emerging Media. Bookmark the permalink. Leave a comment.

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