
Wouldn’t it be great if there was an app that would automatically sync your blog with your Facebook page? As I pondered that question, I did a quick Google search and discovered there is (of course!) – NetworkedBlogs. The app allows you to easily syndicate your blog to Facebook and Twitter, so you can share with your friends your recent blog posts.

Here is how you can register your blog with NetworkedBlogs and get more exposure for your blog:

1) Visit

2) Click “Register a Blog”

3) Submit your blog name

4) You will be required to verify that you are the owner of the blog by inputting HTML code onto your blog. They have included instructions for various types of blog applications including WordPress.

5) Once you have verified your blog, you will than select the channels you want to syndicate your blog to. If you have Facebook Fanpage or groups you can syndicate specifically to those groups.

6) Get blogging! Now that your blog is being syndicated your followers will be able to view your blog via Facebook or Twitter.

You can follow my blog on Facebook at

Here is a link to my NetworkedBlog page: The page includes widgets to share the blog post with friends through email, Twitter or Facebook.

About collaborativemedia

Greetings! This blog is dedicated to all things related to New & Emerging Media. I am currently studying Integrated Marketing Communications at West Virginia University and I will be blogging weekly about the topic. Stay tuned...

Posted on November 21, 2011, in Intro to Emerging Media. Bookmark the permalink. 3 Comments.

  1. Hi Fiona,
    WordPress also has a widget called “Publicize” that allows blog authors to automatically share their posts on Facebook, Twitter, Google+ and LinkedIn. I started using this widget a couple of weeks ago and I really like it. It makes it so easy to get the maximum exposure with every one of your posts.

    You should check it out! Here’s a link to more information

  2. If you go to your Dashboard in WordPress… then Settings > Sharing, a Publicize section will appear. With that tool you can connect your Facebook, Twitter, Yahoo, Messenger and LinkedIn; once you authorize the connection, it will automatically publish your blog post onto your different profiles when a new post is published on your blog.

    Leyda Hernandez

  3. Thank you for sharing this! 🙂

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